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Genocide Denial


    Genocide nowadays has inherent association with Israel. Topical headlines for news outlets are begun to use the terms genocide due to describe the onslaught in Gaza. 2024 has been the one of the most devastated years for Palestinians and humanity, yet some people still denying the existence of the killing of innocent civilians. Israelis in particular are varying the actions which conducted by Israeli government as the banishment of terrorist, the start of ‘civilized’ people in Middle East, and ‘the return of people without a land’. All of the denial of Genocide in Gaza made folks start to argue the compatibility word to describe Israel’s unacceptable military movements. Majority of people are agreed with the term Genocide since it is identical with Israel’s actions. Meanwhile the rest of them are rejecting the word since Palestinians’ population are getting bigger instead of decreasing.

     It is intelligent for Israelis to outsmart people with the argument of the population of Palestinians is exploding. Furthermore, they said the cause of huge number of people in Gaza is the birth rate. Or in explicit way, Palestinians are really enjoyed ‘reproductive’ activities. Nevertheless, the significant number of people in Gaza can be explained by observing the people who got displaced from their territory. Need to be noted, some of the land which Israel has currently, was used to be Palestinians’ properties. Back in the day, Israel was given over 55% of the land, while Palestinians got the rest of it even though the ratio of both populations were not matched with the proportion they got. Therefore, we can make the connection between the number of civilians in Gaza with the displacement they have been going through. Imagine being squeezed into a little rectangle and ended up got accused about the birth rate. The dehumanization for Palestinians has become lethal. Personally speaking, the person who are debating the term genocide with birth rate as the fundamental argument is either not observing the war correctly or they are just completely ignorant. However, not only the quantity of Palestinians in Gaza made the term genocide rejected, but the time period of the mass slaughter itself is used for denying the label.

    The length of time has become one of the measurements for considering whether Israel is committing genocide or not. Some people would argue what has been happening in Gaza over year cannot be called as genocide merely because the duration of mass murder is not compatible with the word itself. Whereas, Israel’s actions have been creating much worst definition which could possibly we do not have the definition to describe Israel’s atrocities. If genocide measured by only short period of time and its action considered as the act against humanity, what is the correct word to define the wipe of certain ethnicity with long time span to demolish them. Which one is crueler and more incomprehensible between murdering a person right away and torturing them before decided to erase their existence. Consequently, the word genocide is not compatible with Israel’s despicable actions since the amount of time they spend to torment Palestinians is unfathomable in the get-go, it is not because Israel is less cruel since their hold their weapons to demolish the entire population. Murdering innocent people regardless of the length of time is unacceptable and its point in time cannot be a justification for what is happening in Palestine. Like a wise person ever said, thieve will not admit their actions are being categorized as a thieve.

   Back in the day, Ratko Mladic and the Army of Republika Srpska were denying their actions which have been taken hundreds of Bosniaks as genocide. Previous atrocities in human history which have been acknowledged as genocide, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and whatnot were being rejected by the perpetrators itself. Obviously, Israeli government and its people are abstaining the term genocide since they did not want Israel associated with genocide. Furthermore, why do we even need perpetrators to elaborate the meaning of genocide and expect them not to twist the definition. International Court of Justice, International Court Criminal, and other judicial establishments are the constitutions which should convey folks the root meaning of genocide and what are Israel’s actions which corresponded with the characteristics of genocide. Israel will one hundred percent bend over genocide term if somebody was asking to Israelis whether they are committing genocide or not. Therefore, a guilty conscience needs no accuser. As far as I am concerned, I agreed genocide cannot describe what Israel has been doing over year or even decades before the war, not because Israel is less vile in compare to other mankind catastrophes, but rather it is awfully more disgusting than genocide.

   The efforts for Israeli government and its pioneers to banish the entire correlation between Israel’s actions and genocide is meaningless. People with diverse background already acknowledged the atrocities Israel has been doing toward Palestinians as genocide. Moreover, with the help from independent news on internet makes folks constantly being reminded regarding 24/7 genocide in Palestine. If Israelis want to make Israel more less cruel than other mankind disaster, they should have behaved as if their movements compatible with all the sprinkles they have been said in front of medias. Genocide cannot be consisted of length of time and quantity in the population in the places since the massive annihilation of certain group still included in horrific category. The previous arguments have been debunked due to the lack of observation and the level of ignorance from the person who put the statements. Even if they think Israel’s movements are not matched with the word genocide, is it okay to murder more than 45.000 people in Gaza over 441 days. Call Israel’s barbarism as genocide is the least action from people around the world to against Israel regime and their disgraceful attitude. The word genocide itself may be felt embarrassed if it could speak. Maybe we should start giving Israel brand-new term to define Israel’s actions since their society is based on supremacist.

Is it not seemingly like genocide?...

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