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Israel’s Self-defense Contradiction


  Iranian governments have launched many air strikes towards Israel aftermath the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh on Iran’s soil. Shockingly, Israel was letting Iran’s missiles into their own area smoothly. Many beliefs regarding the malfunction of Israel’s iron dome as a reason of why Iran’s strike could freely make their way in. On the other side, social media users were arguing about Israel intentional to hold the iron dome in order to prevent the “big one”. If Israel is now waiting to operate their iron dome due to counter the enormous rockets, Iran will rationally use the same types of artilleries till Israel employs their military defense technologies’ as far as I am concerned. Furthermore, the fact about Israel was holding the iron dome is indicating the lack of iron dome quantity; Thereby, the main purpose of Israel is the destruction of human-kind instead of guarding their own folks from foreign “terrorists”. Despite Israel was delaying iron dome usage, I personally would argue regarding Israel decision for postponing their defense weapons’ is not for securing themselves and Israeli civilians because the dollars from US government was for buying more bombs rather than iron dome.

    Unfortunately, US funds have been using to bring more deaths to other human-beings rather than for securing civilians in Israel. Many would argue about Israel’s choice to targeting or chasing after Hamas in Gaza is the way Israel was caring their citizens’, but the operation Israel has been taken is not effective and efficient since Israel has been arbitrarily bombed places which considered as “Hamas hidden bases”. In addition, Israel’s strikes have been spilled all over the places all the way to neighbor countries including Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. Nevertheless, Israeli governments are more willingly concerned about Palestinians than Israelis because most of Israel’s currency was used for displacing and murdering people in Gaza and West Bank. Moreover, Israel even needs additional military weapons from US for defending themselves because the money has been totally altered to bombs in order to annihilate indigenous people instead of keep Israelis safe. Nonetheless, self-defense should not be used for people who has been initiated war in Middle East because it will contradict the definition itself.

   Therefore, Israel as a Jew-state has been frequently failing to protect humanity, moral values, Israeli captives, and even securing situation for their civilians. Israel has made their own folks flee to other countries where they are belongs due to unreliable Israeli security system and Iran’s strikes. In addition, Israel was not using iron dome to prevent further casualties after US has been given billions of dollars to them whereby indicates Israel is ravenous for extending the war in Middle East. More bombs have been bought showed the concerned of Israel about Palestinians nor Hamas instead of Israel’s civilians and its troops. However, Israel’s acts are never included in self-defense category because they are the only one who has provoked violence towards Arabs countries. Instead of falling under victims’ classification, Israel should more likely place in perpetrators group.

     Constant narrative changes have made Israel one and only who got permission to defense themselves even though they are the same one who has been assassinated Palestinians in Iran, convicted and killed indigenous people in 1948, constantly discriminated certain particular ethnicity. Nonetheless, Palestinians resistance should be deemed as self-defense because they have been merely responding Israel’s initiate attack since 1948 and as only the indigenous people whose have the responsibility to perform self-defense because they are the victims in current situation. It could be happened because the definition of self-defense is protecting their own selves after they got hit from other people. Need to be note, somebody is not considered self-defender if they were consciously starting violence towards others first. Instead of putting Israel under self-defense protection, we can place them under aggressor umbrella.


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