Transgender Person Who Identified as Intersex
Intersex people should be showing up against people who were “identified” with unique biological condition similar with them because they are trying to confusing, tarnishing, and appropriating their circumstances. Nowadays, people prefer to perceive special treatment from another person or crave validations including some of the folks in LGBT+ community. That is why I think why these present circumstances most of the people under the LGBT+ umbrella start identified as bizarre characteristic from Furry till person who identified as Intersex person when they argue. However, Intersex people always put effort to blend in our civilization whether being female or male and not choosing between them. Consequently, it made people confused who has the real medical condition.
It is difficult this day and ages for not distinguish between Transgender and Intersex because we do not know whom the real intersex person. Especially when we are talking about man in the woman’s bathroom. The “Transgender women” really like people to call them as a woman and demand pronounces that they preferred. We had not been seen how desperately the are craving or seeking self-fulfilling prophecy before those acceptance movement was being held. When they have got cornered or caught off used the opposite bathroom, they will immediately pull the trigger by saying that they are Intersex person. I would assume Intersex person would not probably reveal their own identity into publics spaces and most of them are avoiding to make a scene nor an excuse or try to argue with their biological different as a foundation for their argument’s. From what I am gathered, it has been common culture in the community now for someone identified themselves as what they were not because none of the barriers has been built for preventing them in order to separate their reality and feeling. With all due respect, I honored your feeling, yet when we discuss about reality where we are engaging with people with different belief and background, we have to acknowledge we cannot impose nor demand them to sit on the side of our fence.